Starting a Blog ? Importance of Digital marketing Blogs

Starting a Blog ? Importance of Digital marketing Blogs


Businesses operate in an ever changing landscape of technology and consumer demands. It is becoming increasingly important for tiny businesses to develop a powerful web presence to interact and communicate with their customers. While creating a highly developed website could be a key component in establishing a comprehensive online marketing and branding strategy, the worldwide economy’s dynamic nature requires businesses to travel further. One of the foremost effective ways to make brand awareness, while providing relevant and useful content to your target market is through consistent blogging.

As a marketer, you usually must air top of trends and fit the ever-changing marketing landscape. One part of marketing that has been consistent over the last several years, but has changed quite a bit in strategy, is blogging. Blogging may be a critical element for any business. But the question we always receive is, “why does my business need a blog?” It doesn’t matter what reasonable company you run, whether it’s an internet entrepreneurship or an area business, you must still have a blog.

What if there was one digital marketing strategy that will increase your leads by 67 percent, make it 13 times more likely that you simply would enjoy a positive ROI for your effort, and facilitate your to receive 97 percent more links to your website? Would you embrace that strategy? after all you’d. to not do so would be practically like throwing money away.

Now, what if that essential piece of digital marketing strategy is business blogging? Would you continue to embrace it?

Powerful Benefits Of Blogging

Blogging is a reasonable way for tiny businesses to drive traffic to their site, enhance inbound marketing efforts and attract more prospective customers. According to a recent inbound marketing report, nearly 80% of companies that use blogging as an element of their marketing strategy reported acquiring customers through their blogging efforts. Additionally, 82% of companies admit that blogging is critical to their business :

Exceptional Boost to go looking Engine Optimization

All of the foremost search engines love fresh, relevant content and blogging is one amongst the foremost straightforward and cheap methods for a business to form this. When a business creates blog posts consistently, they’re constantly providing Google, Bing, Yahoo and also the others with fresh content to index.

This is also a chance for businesses to insert those relevant keywords that buyers will use to go looking for the categories of services or products that the business offers.

Develop And Strengthen Relationships With Existing And New Customers

Customer engagement is an immensely important element of online marketing and branding. Blogging provides the chance for you to attach along with your existing and potential customers in an exceedingly different, more conversational way.

Blogging could be a great way to create trust together with your target market through top quality content that they find relevant. With a vigorous comment section, you may even be able to follow the visitors’ responses to your posts, and you’ll be ready to respond to their comments, which is big in building trust and relationships.

Establish Your Business As An Industry Leader

It doesn’t matter how small your business is, blogging may be a great way for your business to create trust and establish clout in your industry. By providing content which will be viewed as valuable, expert information, your potential customers get to determine the knowledge and experience that you simply have gained in your field.

Over time, writing regularly helpful and informative blogs will cause you to use the “go to” tool within the industry in your particular niche, resulting in more inquiries and better conversion rates.

Connect People To Your Brand

Brand awareness is an immensely important element of promoting and blog posting will allow you to point out to your followers a private side of your business. You can open up your brand message and interact with existing and prospective customers in a very uphill way through outbound marketing mechanisms and techniques.

Blogging will give others a comprehensible sense of the company standards, business character, vision and therefore the personality of your company.

Create Opportunities For Sharing

One of the foremost powerful benefits of blogging is the opportunity it creates for others to share the link to your blog. This creates the potential for viral traffic and exponential market growth. With such a big amount of different sharing platforms available, visitors can share the direct link to the blog, tweet it, or email it to a follower. This is often the epitome of free marketing.

Reasons why your business needs a blog

A blog can maintain your marketing strategy and structure your relevant content

Promoting your services and goods isn’t a straightforward task, especially in an exceedingly highly competitive business climate. That’s when the blog comes in handy. It helps you with the multimedia representation of your company, keeps the audience interested, and promotes your company. give some thought to promoting your videos, podcasts, interviews, and more on your blog. This can be helpful content for your audience, and great content for your website. The important part is the quality of your posts.

A blog can attract new clients

Blogging and posting relevant content is an incredibly great tool to extend traffic to your website and to your services. With the assistance of SEO strategies like keywords, titles, meta descriptions, and more, blog posts become a robust tool for gaining visibility for your brand. In addition, every new blog you post adds a replacement page to your website. That helps with SEO immensely because it gives Google and other search engines a reason to re-crawl your website to seek out new content to index.

A blog can promote the formation of a community around your website and organization

This is an ideal thanks to maintain and spread a word about your services and make long-lasting bonds with prospects. Share your blogs on social media to succeed in a wider audience and build a community around your posts, insights from your company, and your perspective. You’ll start to determine just what proportion traction a blog can bring after you share it on social media and produce new visitors to your website.

A blog can build your reputation in a very particular field of your interest and become a figure of authority

Nothing can beat an honest solid reputation, and blogging makes a vital investment into this process because it allows you to share your perspective together with your audience in a very new way.

A blog can facilitate your advertise

Research shows that around 80% of companies favor having an ad within the style of a series of articles rather than the standard “buy now” agenda. And customers also are getting a touch uninterested in the standard ways of commercials and advertising, therefore the creative ways to present your services are crucial to the fashionable business environment.

A blog can facilitate your appear more trustworthy to your potential clients

People trust the word, and blogs improve the extent of trust towards your organization or venture. confirm you’re providing helpful and accurate content, encourage discussions and knowledge sharing, and you may see the increased trust in your brand!

The Benefits of Blogging for Business

One question many of us ask after starting a business is whether or not blogging is worthwhile in 2021.

Short answer: Yes! And here are the explanations why we are saying so.

It helps drive traffic to your website.

Raise your hand if you wish more website visitors. Yeah, me too. Now give some thought to the ways people find your website: They could type your name right into their browser, but that’s for an audience you have already got. They know who you’re, you’re on their radar, which doesn’t facilitate your getting more traffic on top of what you’re already getting.

You could pay money for traffic by buying an email list (don’t you dare!), blasting them, and hoping some people open and click through on the emails. But that’s expensive and, you know, illegal. You could get traffic by placing a lot of paid ads, which isn’t illegal but still quite expensive. and therefore the second you run out of cash, your traffic stops coming, too.

So, how are you able to attract new traffic or readers to your site? you’ll blog and optimize your site for search engines.

Here’s how it works.

Think about what number pages there are on your website. Probably not plenty, right? And give some thought to how often you update those pages. Probably not that always, right?

Well, blogging could be a good way to unravel both of these problems.

Every time you create and publish a blog post, it’s yet another indexed page on your website, which suggests another opportunity for you to indicate abreast of the computer programme results page (SERP) and drive traffic to your website in organic search.

We’ll get into more of the advantages of blogging on your SEO a small amount later, but it is also another cue to Google and other search engines that your website is active, and that they should be checking in frequently to determine what new content to surface.

You can repurpose blog content for social media.

Blogging for your business also helps you get discovered via social media. On every occasion you create a brand new article, you’re creating content that folks can share on social networks — Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest — which helps expose your business to a replacement audience which will not know you yet.

Blog content also helps keep your social media presence going. Instead of always asking your social media manager to make the latest content for social media (or creating that content yourself), your blog can function as a repository of content.

You’re strengthening your social reach with blog content and driving new website visitors to your blog via your social channels. quite symbiotic relationship, I must say.

It helps convert traffic into leads.

Now that you simply have some traffic coming to your site through your blog, you have got a chance to convert that website traffic into leads. Like every blog post you write is another indexed page, each post could be a new opportunity to get new leads. The way this works is straightforward: Just add a lead-generating call-to-action to each blog post.

Often, these calls-to-action cause things like free ebooks, whitepapers, fact sheets, webinars, trials, or basically, any content asset that someone would be willing to exchange their information for.

It drives long-term results.

The best business blogs answer common questions their readers and customers have. If you consistently create valuable content or articles for your audience, it’ll establish you as an industry leader or authority in their eyes. Can you imagine the impact of sending an academic blog post you wrote to clear things up for a confused customer? Or what percentage more deals a salesman could close if their leads discovered blog content written by their salesperson? “Establishing authority” isn’t a conceit metric as concrete as traffic and leads, but it’s pretty powerful stuff. you’ll be able to use it to live sales enablement.

Because at the top of the day, that is what many of your blog posts are.

Think about it:

Suppose prospects find answers to their everyday questions via blog posts written by people at your company. Therein case, they are far more likely to come back into the sales funnel trusting what you’ve got to mention because you’ve helped them within the past — even before they were fascinated by purchasing anything from you.

Prospects that are reading your blog posts will typically enter the sales funnel with more knowledge of your products and services, your home within the market, and your industry. that produces a way more productive sales conversation than one held between two relative strangers.

Salespeople who encounter specific questions that need in-depth explanation or a documented answer can pull from an archive of blog posts. Not only do these articles help move the sales process along faster than if a sales rep had to make the assets from scratch, but they position the salesperson as a helpful resource to their prospect — thus helping to make trust.

Blogging helps with link building.

Inbound links or backlinks are among the 200 factors the Google algorithm considers when ranking a site on its computer program result page. Many experts and tiny business owners also believe backlinks to be the 3rd most vital consideration for computer program optimization. Although generating inbound links is crucial, 41% of SEO experts say link building is the most challenging part of search optimization.

When you create articles that don’t seem to be only valuable to your potential customers but also to other companies that your audience sees as industry leaders, it’d be easier to realize relevant links. Links for authoritative websites function as a vote of confidence or recommendation from other websites. And it signals to Google that you’re trustworthy and an expert in your industry.

Another advantage of backlinks is that they assist you build your domain authority, which helps improve your overall discoverability in search engines.

Why Blogs ?

We all understand how powerful digital marketing will be, and the way it’s a requirement for any company that wishes to stay competitive in 2020. Because digital marketing has become so popular, you’ll be able to say that the market has become, in many ways, saturated with promotional content. That’s why it’s important to appear for digital marketing methods that really work and aren’t an enormous money pit.

One of these techniques which is commonly overlooked and undervalued is the powerful blog. Many of you will feel that blogs are outdated and should’ve been left back within the early 2000’s, but I’m here to inform you that blogs are more powerful than ever and becoming an increasingly good choice to drive organic traffic to your website in 2020.

So let’s take a glance at a number of the explanations why blogs are still a great tool for marketers and website owners today.


Firstly, blogs are a good tool to assist you achieve that prime ranking spot within the programme result pages. With effective use of keywords and a stimulating topic that catches the viewer’s attention, good-quality blogs will rank highly when a web user is trying to find information on a given topic.

Over time as you build a catalog of blog content and begin to get a decent reputation for high-quality blog content, links to your website will start to rank higher in SERPs and overall your website is going to be capitalizing on effective program optimization. It’s important to remember that every new blog adds a brand new page to your website, increasing the possibilities that a web user has of discovering your website.

It must be emphasized that so as for your website to experience greater SEO and achieve those higher rankings in SERPs, you wish to be providing blog content that’s of prime quality, addressing a hot topic, and includes the mandatory keywords. Take a glance at our blog on a way to Use On-Page And Off-Page SEO Techniques if you would like to search out a bit more about this.


As I discussed before, blogs are good thanks to direct organic traffic to your website. With the correct choice of topic and use of keywords in your blogs, your website stands a greater chance of ranking higher in program result pages and increasing the quantity of individuals that are directed to your website.

The more those that are exposed to your website, the greater the prospect you’ve got to convert one among these new visitors into a paying customer.

Once you’ve begun to notice a rise in traffic to your website from your blogs, you’ll use a tool like Google Analytics to seek out more about your traffic like what variety of content is more popular or more practical at attaining more traffic, and where they find your content. Data like this enables you to tailor your blogs and position them in order that they need the best chance of success.

Lead Generation

Similar to a rise in traffic, producing blogs consistently will exponentially increase the quantity of leads generated. If you’re successful in directing a primary time visitor to your website, you’ve got a greater chance of making a professional lead if you’re producing blog content that’s useful and valuable to them.

If a visitor finds your blog helpful in addressing their search query, they’re more likely to interact with you repeatedly and return for future blog content. By using your blog as the first point of contact they need together with your business, you have got the chance to create a relationship with each visitor, and after they decide it’s time to form a purchasing decision, your business is going to be top of mind.

Brand Reputation

Consistently posting quality blog content goes an extension thanks to improving your Google E-A-T ranking. What’s Google E-A-T you ask? E-A-T may be a system employed by Google to judge the credibility of your website together with the rules of experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Posting blog content that’s valuable to viewers and displays expertise and authority, while developing the viewers’ trust within the credibility of your content, is rewarded with higher search ranking spots that allow your website to be recommended to more potential viewers across the net.

Once you have achieved an honest ranking from Google and a good brand reputation amongst your audience, the rise in traffic you’ll receive is exponential.

Customer Engagement

Blogs provide a fantastic opportunity for you to interact along with your customers, and for your customers to interact with one another, betting on the platform that the blog is posted on. Creating a community and a chance for direct contact from your customers could be a very nice side effect of a successful blog, that usually ends up in a more loyal and trusting audience.

Publishing blogs that provide an answer to customer queries goes a long way thanks to cementing a stronger relationship along with your existing customers and helps form new relationships with potential customers too.


Effective blogging is an important part of an overall digital marketing strategy. It drives traffic to your website, generates new leads for your company, helps you nurture those leads, and offers you increased insight into your customer base. Blogging is cost-effective and yields measurable ends up in terms of positive ROI.

Would you appreciate more recommendations on the way to integrate blogging into your digital marketing strategy? Contact us and get your business blog.

If you’re curious about increasing your online exposure, while establishing yourself as an expert in your industry, then you’ll definitely want to take advantage of blogging as a marketing strategy.

When it involves small businesses, blogging is virtually a requirement. If you do not have the time, resources, or expertise to jot down blog content you’ll be able to outsource the posts to a digital marketing agency who can craft unique, relevant and interesting content for your blog site.

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